Do Kombucha Scoby suffer from a sweet tooth?
The logic goes like this; Premise 1 : White Sugar is harmful to the body Premise 2 : Kombucha has white sugar Conclusion : Kombucha is harmful to the body? Yes it is true, white processed sugar is a vital ingredient in Kombucha. In fact, if you say that kombucha Scoby has a sweet you are spot on!! Before you put your arms up high and swear off kombucha for life, let me make it clear. The sugar is not for you its for the Scoby! Hear me out. In a typical brewing process, for each liter of tea, the default amount of sugar is 80g/liter. The amount of sugar looks like this: Sugar amount day 1 During the brewing process, yeast will break down sugar to fructose and glucose. The yeast will then consume the glucose producing carbon dioxide, etanol in the process. The main bacterium in kombucha, Acetobacter sp . will then oxidize ethanol to acetic acid. Fructose will still remain ...