Adding Natural Flavours to Kombucha - Secondary Fermentation
For the uninitiated, taking pure kombucha can be a daunting task. The strong taste coupled with the burning sensation on the throat can be a deterrent to enjoy this wonderful drink. This is where secondary fermentation comes into the picture. Secondary fermentation allows flavors to be added into kombucha whilst maintaining the full benefits of the brew. To carry out secondary fermentation, first you will need to get a glass bottle with a strong cap. The most readily available bottle I can think of is the one found in Ikea. If I am not mistaken it is called Korken. Upon the c ompletion of the initial brew, remove the SCOBY and fill up 60% the first batch of kombucha into the glass bottle. Now it gets more interesting. Depending on the type of flavor you desire, fill up the remaining 30% of the bottle with fruit juices. You can infuse herbs into the brew at this point of time. My favourite recipe is a mix of pure apple juice with a few leaf of mint...